During these unprecedented times, teletherapy provides the opportunity to continue to work together. It is safe, effective way to administer services vital for the growth and development of our kiddos. The teletherapy platform is a safe, successful alternative to face-to-face therapy.
Teletherapy has been around for years, but in the last decade has been used sparingly for therapy services. Oftentimes, it was used to provide services for patients in remote and hard to reach areas or as a safe way to service the needs of those with compromised immune systems.
Teletherapy is HIPPA-compliant to protect the personal information of our patients. An initial consent form must be filled out by each family prior to telehealth services being initiated. We’re finding that telehealth is not only an effective way to provide virtual therapy, but it is also a great way for clients, parents and therapists to regularly communicate. Milestone virtual sessions can be held for a number of different therapies including speech, OT, ABA, PT and DT.
Although Milestone had integrated teletherapy as a result of the current COVID-19 crisis, it is our goal to continue to take advantage of its benefits both now and in the future. It is a safe alternative to traditional visits and an optimal solution for many. We are working hard to establish a hybrid program which allows us to merge face-to-face therapies with teletherapy sessions, as we recognize this health crisis is ongoing.
The well-being and progress of our clients is something Milestone holds to the highest value. It is our goal to be a mainstay of our clients’ development and offering this practical alternative will allow us to accomplish that.
Qualifying for teletherapy relies largely on your child’s needs, availability and insurance. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our helpful staff members to learn about access to teletherapy.